LD Deutsch
Technomythology is a new essay by LD Deutsch that explores the prevalence and popularity of the simulation hypothesis through a mythological framework. Rooted in a Jungian analysis of mythological models, Deutsch charts the concept of a computer-programmed reality from its most popular origin point, through the scientific and philosophical presuppositions necessary for its existence, into an associative understanding of its position as a model of reality. By considering the ever-evolving relationship between the collective unconscious and modern information technology, Deutsch traces an alternate narrative that may be read into the techno-hybrid fable of the simulation hypothesis: one that reveals an attempt to recover human meaning in a technological world changing faster than ever before.
LD Deutsch is also the author of Pluto and the Mythic Dimension, and Mythologies of Time and Timelessness.
Release Date: April 2021
*PRE-ORDER* Limited edition double cassette box featuring Technomythology and Pluto & the Mythic Dimension audiobooks available while supplies last! Cassette boxes release July 8th, 2022.