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Nice Face

Nice Face

Immer Etwas is the first full length release from this one man bedroom recording project turned full on 5-piece live band. Nice Face have been turning out singles, comp tracks, and cassettes at a steady clip over the past two years and change. This LP is a solid thirteen tracks of drum-machine driven blown out hook-laden punk rock that one reviewer prone to curmudgeonly ranting proclaimed “locks Blank Dogs in the pound, erases ‘Psychedelic’ from Psychedelic Horseshit, makes purses and boots out of Crocodiles, and, oh I don’t know…makes a puddle out of Wavves?” We think that is the cheesiest sentence ever written, even though it was intended as a compliment. Live, the band now counts members of Livefastdie and Imaginary Icons among its ranks. The CD version will include the two Sacred Bones singles, the HoZac single, and the song from Killer Diller Records’ Wild About Jenkem comp.

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