A collection of rare and unreleased recordings from the archives of electronic music pioneer Mort Garson, composer of Mother Earth's Plantasia. The compilation plays like an ultimate Mort Garson playlist, and includes alternate takes of Plantasia tracks, music for never-aired radio advertisements, themes for science fiction films, erot...
A collection of rare and unreleased recordings from the archives of electronic music pioneer MortGarson, composer of Mother Earth's Plantasia. The compilation plays like an ultimateMortGarsonplaylist, and includes alternate takes of Plantasia tracks, music for never-aired radio advertisements, themes for science fiction films, erotic oddities, and much more from the prolific composer's '60s and '70s synthesizer oeuvre. This deluxe edition includes art by Robert Beatty and new liner notes by Andy Beta (Pitchfork).
Mort Garson
Track List:
1. Is He Trying to Tell Us Something? (Instrumental)
2. Rhapsody in Green (Alternate Take)
3. Baroque No. 2
4. This Is My Beloved
5. Music for Advertising #1
6. Music for Advertising #2
7. Music for Advertising #3
8. Killers of the Wild
9. Realizations of an Aeropolis
10. Music for Advertising #4
11. Music for Advertising #5
12. Z - Theme from "Music for Sensuous Lovers" Part I (Instrumental)
13. The Blobs - Son of Blob Theme
14. Cathedral of Pleasure
15. Ode to an African Violet (Alternate Take)
16. The Time Zone - Space Walker
17. Dragonfly
18. The Lords of Percussion - Geisha Girl
19. The Electric Blues Society - Our Day Will Come
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The Sacred Bones Record Society is our fan club and vinyl subscription service. Each installment includes the most limited version of the next six eligible releases from the time of enrollment, each packaged with a member exclusive mixtape curated by the artist and a certificate of authenticity, plus early access to any releases and rarities not included in the membership and additional goodies that vary from installment to installment.