Ben Trogdon
"In the Shadows of This New World" : A Summer of 2020 Scrapbook


From Nuts! fanzine, Rock 'n' Roll Forever, and Tattoo Punk creator Ben Trogdon, comes "In the Shadows of This New World" : A Summer of 2020 Scrapbook

New York went wild last summer! This scrapbook is a collection of 35mm film photos and collages by BCT, accompanied by interviews and short stories about NYC summer 2020. Huge protests, the pandemic, violence, covid anxiety, heat, humidity, rats, roaches, cops, blue medical masks, pepper spray, too much drinking and drugging: this scrapbook has it all!


MC writes on protesting all summer and experiencing police brutality first hand while being arrested in the Bronx during the now legendary Mott Haven protest.

A page of Sara Abruna’s drawings: her careful & beautiful imagery.

A soaked-in, crusty, comfy quarantine poem by Carrie Schaff.

& more humid & sweaty summertime stories and images.

A portion of the proceeds made by the sales of this book will be donated to Food With Fam. A mutual aid organization that feeds families and individuals in need, biweekly, here in NYC.

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